10 Benefits and efficacy Basil for health
Of the many plants that exist in Indonesia, basil leaves have many health benefits. The benefits of basil leaves can be used to treat various types of diseases and various types of medical complaints, including:
1. Overcoming bad breath from bleeding gums, cavities, and more
2. Overcoming the odor unpleasant body
3. Keep on eye health because they contain vitamin A which is good for eye health.
4. Treating coughs and colds with basil wedang made warm in the winter as well as to warm up the body so it will feel comfortable
5. Against the occurrence of early menopause with tryptophan substances which would hinder the arrival of menopause
6. inhibit the occurrence of wrinkles as signs of premature aging and is able to remove dead skin cells.
7. Maintain a healthy heart with beta-carotene, and magnesium are very high.
8. Warms the body if consumed when it is winter
9. Benefits of basil leaves can then resolve the inflammation as basil contains cineole myrcene and eugenol which can be anti-biotic naturally in the body that will prevent the occurrence of inflammation in the body.
10. Overcoming the discharge occurs in women because of their antibiotic basil leaves. containing antibiotics that kill bacteria and fungi that thrive in the female organs.
To take advantage of basil leaves used as vegetables in addition you can use it by boiling the leaves of the basil and the basil drinking boiled water while warm.
That she some benefits of basil leaves probably not known by many people. Fresh basil leaves are still young and certainly have better content than the old basil leaves. Processing basil leaves also helped determine how the effects of the existing properties in the basil leaves, whether for the better or even not produce any effect because of the processing.