Considering: That the Process Activity Learning and Teaching in Elementary School ............................
is the core of the implementation process in the educational unit.
1.Undang Education Act No. 044 / C.2002 Committee on education councils
2. Invite OF 25, 2000 on the National development program (
    Program in 2000 - 2004 to challenge the election and establishment of the School Committee.
3. Law - Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System.

          Noting: Student Council meeting results guardian teacher, school principal and the School Committee
date, July 20, 2014
Assign: 1. That the Board of the School Committee sitetapkan / terplih on 5 People pemgurus.
2. sets the term of office within a period of four years, starting
                                                date, July 20, 2012 s.d. period end date of July 20, 2016
Composition of the Board of School Committee
Chairman: ................ ( Student Guardian )
Secretary: ...................... ( Student Guardian )
Members: ............... (Wali pupil)
…………….. ( Student Guardian )
……………… ( Student Guardian )